31/10/2022 – The Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) has successfully replaced its legacy Lotus Notes applications with OceanX ECM and OceanX Collaboration portal

Hong Kong – 31/10/2022 -The Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) has successfully replaced its legacy Lotus Notes applications with OceanX ECM and OceanX Collaboration portal. The new system provides a centralized platform for OFCA’s document management and collaboration needs. Replaced legacy Lotus Notes applications o includes features such as a bulletin board for announcements and a conference room booking system, improving communication and streamlining operations within the organization. The solution’s user-friendly interface and customizable workflows have enabled OFCA to enhance its productivity and efficiency, allowing them to better serve the public. This successful implementation further showcases OceanX’s commitment to providing innovative and effective solutions to meet the evolving needs of its clients.

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