07/06/2016 – Preferring the best value with low TCO and cost-saving fax solution, City University chooses OceanFax FoIP Solution to replace existing RightFax fax server

Hong Kong – 7 June 2016 – City University chose OceanFax FoIP fax server to replace its existing old RightFax for the better value of low TCO (total cost of ownership) and the cost effective solution.

The OceanFax FoIP fax solution offered the best integration environment for City University to integrate OceanFax FoIP with its Cisco IPT and Windows server 2012. OceanFax FoIP provided 24 channel FoIP solution to satisfy user’s requirement of mail merge for broadcasting faxing.


Project Highlight

· Replace existing old version Rightfax with OceanFax

· Use Oceanfax 24 channel FoIP Solution


Why OceanFax?

· Integrate with Cisco IPT

· Support Window server 2012

· Best value with low TCO and cost – effective

· Support mail merge for broadcasting faxing


About City University of Hong Kong

The City University of Hong Kong is a university established in Hong Kong in 1994 which contains three colleges and four schools. It aims at pursuing excellence, promoting innovation and nurturing creativity for our society and the world. Our vision is to be a leading university for professional education in Asia, committed to the cross-fertilization and mutual enrichment of different cultures and intellectual traditions for human betterment.

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